Freedom to operate (FTO)
Support that only a global patent law firm can offer
Mitigate the risk of patent infringement by taking into consideration each feature of your envisioned product.
Reassure your potential investors that the final product can be commercialized successfully and get funded!
Request your FTO-study today!
In a nutshell
- Fast turnaround (15 working days)
- Predictable costs
- Report signed by our patent attorneys in Munich and Luxembourg
- European law firm standards for the search, analysis and opinion
Benefit from an FTO study everyone can understand
FTO studies keep your company in the market. We offer an FTO report signed by our patent attorneys in Munich with a clear indication of the next steps for your products. From your paralegals to your CEO, everyone will easily understand the result of the study. Besides, we are transparent on prices, and we offer packages to meet your budget.
Predictable costs
Predictable costs
Report signed by a patent attorney
Report signed by a patent attorney
Easy to understand
Easy to understand
Fast turnaround
Fast turnaround
European law firms standards
European law firms standards
An innovative approach to FTO searches
- We perform an international search as a first-step
- Our reports are formatted by following a standard
- The reports are signed by a patent attorney, who is bound by law firm quality standards

Stay in business with freedom to operate

De-risking your product development
Competitive pricing and quality report with a clear indication of whether you can safely commercialize your product with those specific features in your core markets.
There are no more excuses to skip FTO studies for your product to shield your company from inadvertently infringing on third party's patents.

Reassure your
Convince your investors and get funded!
By having an FTO study, you can convince them the service / product your company is working on can be launched commercially and is worth the investment.

Stay in contact with our patent attorneys
By staying in the loop with our attorneys for an FTO study, you can avoid unnecessary costs connected to the wasted allocation of resources as well as highlight opportunities to license your existing technology.
Dennemeyer delivers your FTO study in four easy steps

1. Get in touch with our patent attorney

2. Agree on the features of your product to be reviewed

3. A search & analysis report on such features will be created first

4. Get the final report signed by our patent attorney with a clear indication of any risks in launching your product
Our Expert team

Dr. Christopher Brückner
Dr. rer. Nat.,
European Patent Attorney, Patentanwalt,
Apotheker (DE)
Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biotech

Dr. Anthony Carlick
MSci & Ph.D. (Physics), European Patent Attorney, UK Chartered Patent Attorney
Medical devices, GreenTech, Electronics and Software, Mechanics

Dr. Massimo Galuppi
Ph.D. Physics, M.Sci. Physics, European Patent Attorney, Italian Patent Attorney, Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe
Medical devices, GreenTech, Electronics and Software, Mechanics