WTR 1000: Trademark industry awards for Dennemeyer
We are proud to announce that World Trademark Review has once again recognized Dennemeyer & Associates' trademark teams for their expertise, dedication and outstanding services across Croatia, Benelux and Italy. The WTR 1000 listings reflect our commitment to delivering world-class IP legal services, achieved through our colleagues' hard work.
From the experts: tackling the top IP challenges for businesses
Tech in Asia, in partnership with IPOS International, invited Jens Loosen and Dr. Dominique Christ to contribute their insights into the complex world of IP for businesses. Learn about the important issues surrounding registration and protection strategies.
Simple IP has received an update to deliver improved access and greater efficiency. Now, you can attach, tag and organize documents directly within your patent records for even smoother workflow management.
Introducing Octi AI and Ratings –two exciting features that transform patent analysis and review. Octi AI turns in-depth research into a simple conversation, while Ratings allows you to score documents for easy collaboration.
Markets in the driving seat? Revisiting the future of IP
In 2007, the European Patent Office explored four hypothetical versions of what the patent world might look like in 2025. We reflect on the first of these scenarios – where major corporations drove the evolution of IP – and compare the projections with how things stand today.
Virtual versions of real-world systems are transforming industries, but how can they be protected by patents? In this insightful blog, Dr. Massimo Galluppiasks the questions businesses need to consider when safeguarding their digital innovations.