Green Patent Portfolio Analytics & Benchmarking - Insights on your sustainable portfolio parts beyond counting IPC classes
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Green Patent Portfolio Analytics & Benchmarking - Insights on your sustainable portfolio parts beyond counting IPC classes
This live webinar was held on
Thursday, November 2, 2023
What we talked about
Sustainability and corresponding reporting standards have become a more and more important topic for Intellectual Property management. IP managers are demanded to demonstrate the contribution and linkage of IP to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the Unites Nations.
However, the identifications of Intellectual Property rights that are protecting products and services being considered as sustainable is quite challenging. The IPC-based classification of environment related technologies developed by the OECD in 2015 and widely applied can be of help, but appears partly outdated, not comprehensive or even subjective and therefore not properly reflecting sustainable inventions in specific technologies or for a specific company.
In this webinar we will present how to assess global patent portfolios regarding their sustainable impact with an advanced analysis beyond counting patents in the mentioned IPC classes. Sharing our experience and best practices on a stepwise approach from a definition of relevant clusters via identification of relevant IPC classes to landscape overviews, benchmarks and finally strong valuable insights on sustainability.
- Definition of sustainability clusters for the analysis
- Appropriate search strategies
- From base data via landscapes to analytics and benchmarks
- Creation of insights and conclusions
Our experts

Johannes Herbert
Johannes Herbert is a Senior Product Manager of the Dennemeyer IP Consulting team located in Munich. He brings in over 10 years of experience as a consultant.
In over 25 IP projects , he consulted companies from various industries in respect of IP management challenges such as data management, searching, analytics and strategy.
If you have any questions, please contact Johannes Herbert at
You can also reach out to him via LinkedIn.

Burkhard Josuhn-Kadner
Burkhard Josuhn-Kadner is a Senior Manager of the Dennemeyer IP Consulting team in Munich with over 30 years of experience in IP and R&D.
In his former executive positions at General Electric, Alstom and ABB, he managed large industrial IP portfolios and led global IP, technology and engineering teams. The ongoing challenge, to build strong patent portfolios with remarkable business impact based on limited budgets always required smart and innovative solutions. He will share his experience how to analyze patent portfolios efficiently and how to derive different levels of insights and conclusions.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Burkhard Josuhn-Kadner at
You can also reach out to him via LinkedIn.